Scrapbook Vacation Layouts Ideas

Creating scrapbook vacation layouts will allow you to revisit the beautiful places during your vacation. Before you start creating a scrapbook vacation, decide whether you want to document your trip each day or different events. If you were vacationing only in one area for your entire holiday, you probably want to create a scrapbook with certain categories. Such as the beach, the lounges, the nightclubs, the museums, and many more. So, this layout will focus more on the theme rather than a chronological order. But if you were traveling from one place to another, you can consider to document your trip each day and make a scrapbook in a chronological order.

If you plan to add a journal to your vacation scrapbook, make sure you use a pretty and proper font that can be read. In order to make your scrapbook unique and educational, you can add fun facts about the places you were visiting. So, you are able to share some knowledge and educations to your friends or kids. It will also remind you that every place is unique and have its own characteristics. For the unique decorations, you can use the flag of the country you visited or the state flower. Ready to make scrapbook vacation layouts?

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