Learn papercraft quilling for beginner

The papercraft quilling art is the papercraft that recently popular. Paper quilling is the craft art that takes thin strips from the colored paper, roll them into coil form, pinching them to form the shape and then gluing the shapes together to result in the paper objects and designs. Paper quilling is an inexpensive craft that once you start to make, you will be obsessed as a new hobby.

To start the quilting project, you just need paper and glue as the main materials for quilling craft. What you need to do when starting the quilling project is to find inspiration to make a project. Learn the basic shapes of paper quilling crafts can make you have unlimited ideas of quilled design. The basic shapes of quilling papercraft include tightly rolled coil, loosely rolled coil, eccentric coil, teardrop, shaped teardrop, tulip, half circle, marquise, shaped marquise, square, rectangle, triangle, the holly leaf, and diamond.

The other technique to master when quilling art is basic scrolls technique. It includes the loose scrolls, V scrolls, S scrolls, heart scrolls, and C scrolls. When you have skills in this basic quilling papercraft, you can start to practice and improve the craft skill. You can create simple wall décor with quilling art.


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